Want even more credit card numbers? Generate Credit Cards


  • 5579 6437 0333 3168
  • 5307 4897 6148 5824
  • 5571 1804 8161 6496
  • 5176 0592 6359 5830
  • 5480 6649 4245 2328


  • 4485 6261 4506 5148
  • 4716 0911 9249 9438
  • 4539 6814 7311 6308
  • 4716 1721 9387 0379
  • 4532 4446 8656 8022


  • 3776 5552 6399 882
  • 3400 3684 5153 363
  • 3446 1394 1107 224
  • 3762 9629 7949 190
  • 3794 6692 0673 494


  • 6470 1122 2319 0423
  • 6567 9751 3938 9451
  • 6477 0744 5450 0204
  • 6490 2154 1646 4731
  • 6470 7613 7123 1726

Validate your Credit Card

Learn in few easy steps how the Luhn’s formula is applied and used to verify the last digit of the card (commonly known as the check digit) with the following credit card validator tool.

Enter the number of cards you want to create.

Luhn's Proof

Let us illustrate how we validate a credit card using Luhn’s formula with an interactive example.

We have noticed that you have not tried to validate any credit card number yet. We’ll demonstrate the entire process using a test number, 4929717681432141 and applying the Luhn’s formula.

1. Drop the check digit
2. Account number
3. Double every other digit
4. Add up the digits
8 + 9 + 4 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 8 = 79

The check digit is obtained by computing the sum of digits then computing 9 times that value modulo 10 (so that's: (79 * 9 mod 10)). In summary:

  1. Compute the sum of the digits (79).
  2. Multiply by 9 (711).
  3. Take the last digit (1).
  4. The result is your check digit.

Significance of First Digit

Many people do not know this as a fact that the left most digit of the card is very important. In the table below, we have outlined the meaning of this number in principal.

First Card Digit Industry Category
0ISO/TC 68 and Other Industry Assignments
2Airlines and Other Industry Assignments
3Travel and Entertainment
4Banking and Financial
5Banking and Financial
6Merchandising and Banking
8Telecommunications and Other Industry Assignments
9National Assignment

Credit Card Break Down by Issuer

Credit card companies generate their list of card numbers as per a pre- allotted set of pre-fixes. These pre- fixes are much like area codes of a phone number where the first 3 digits of a phone number tell you the area code of that state or province. Similar concept is used in credit card pre-fix numbers.

Card Digits Security / Length Card Prefix
American Express 15 CID / 4 34, 37
Diners Club - Carte Blanche 14 CVV / 3 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305
Diners Club - International 14 CVV / 3 36, 38
Diners Club - USA & Canada 16 CVV / 3 54
Discover 16 CID / 3 6011, 644, 645, 646, 647, 647, 649, 65
enRoute 15 CVV / 3 2014, 2149
InstaPayment 16 CVV / 3 637, 638, 639
JCB Co Inc (15 digit) 15 CVV / 3 1800, 2100
JCB Co Inc (16 digit) 16 CVV / 3 3088, 3096, 3112, 3158, 3337, 3528
Laser (16 digit) 16 CVV / 3 6304, 6706, 6709, 6771
Laser (17 digit) 17 CVV / 3 6304, 6706, 6709, 6771
Laser (18 digit) 18 CVV / 3 6304, 6706, 6709, 6771
Laser (19 digit) 19 CVV / 3 6304, 6706, 6709, 6771
MasterCard 16 CVC2 / 3 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
Visa (13 digit) 13 CVV2 / 3 4, 40240071, 4485, 4532, 4539, 4556, 4716, 4916, 4929
Visa (16 digit) 16 CVV2 / 3 4, 40240071, 4485, 4532, 4539, 4556, 4716, 4916, 4929
Visa Electron 16 CVV / 3 4026, 417500, 4508, 4844, 4913, 4917
Voyager 15 CVV / 3 8699
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