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  • 5515 0259 5360 2160
  • 5396 6035 9432 2671
  • 5143 5456 9247 6147
  • 5510 7081 3175 6082
  • 5553 4374 4583 1658


  • 4532 5213 2148 5587
  • 4916 5036 0018 6082
  • 4532 3531 7414 1392
  • 4532 7147 8939 5626
  • 4929 4071 7772 6699


  • 3459 3787 2566 382
  • 3437 8333 1599 909
  • 3483 4233 7080 508
  • 3763 3828 1019 455
  • 3704 3017 1579 312


  • 6559 4165 5959 8024
  • 6459 8630 1424 3103
  • 6011 5438 0782 1585
  • 6011 1010 6396 3649
  • 6450 2437 7007 3110

Top 10 Tips to avoid heavy debts in credit cards

If you are reading this article, you are already in debt or are close to it. One way to avoid heavy debts is to cut off your card, but then you’ll lose the privileges that come along with it. The best way is to use the card as needed and pay the interest every month. Here are a few pointers that can help you benefit from your credit card for a long time:

1. Budget your Expenses: Prepare a monthly budget as per your income. Spend only on those things for which you can pay by cash also. Giving in to temptation is easier but it’s wiser to only spend on things you can afford.

2. Pay Interest every Month: There cannot be enough emphasis on this point. Never miss a monthly interest payment and try to cover the balance also every month or at least once in 2 months

3. Limited number of Cards: Keep a tight hold on the number of credit cards in your wallet. The more cards you have, the more probability of debts. If few cards have lesser interest rate and more facilities, try to close the others.

4. Do not Share Credit Cards: As much as you trust your friends n family, it is extremely unwise to share credit card. Not everyone will use it as budget plan. You will end up paying more interest on used credit.

5. Know your Rewards and Terms: If you are not aware of the terms and conditions of using rebate or reward points, you might end up paying more rather than less. Stay alert and don’t be fooled by numbers.

6. Choose Lower Interest Rate Cards: Different card issuers have different interest rates. Research well and get yourself a card that has lower interest rate and yet offers rewards and offers.

7. Transfer Balance: You must transfer balance from one credit card to another only if there is a noticeable lower interest rate. Don’t use balance transfer as an excuse to payment. You’ll end up increasing your debt in one card and worsen the situation.

8. Funds for Rainy Days: We all want the biggest plasma screens and latest gadgets, but not all electronics and accessories are affordable. Ensure that you always have emergency funds for days when you could not resist your temptations.

9. Use Cash when high on debts: If you have not paid your balance for more than 3 months, it’s best to start using cash instead of bulking up the debts. Using cash will give you a reality check and also the opportunity to save for paying off the debts.

10. Set a Credit Limit: When you get a new credit card, set a credit limit on the card with your card issuer. This will keep you informed when you have reached the limit and you won’t find yourself buried under unpayable debts.

If you are already in knee deep debts, try to make a payment plan with your credit card issuer. This will help you lead a normal life and will also make a better reputation with your creditors.

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